BGN-SAT (Security Automation Tool)
BGN-SAT, complemented by BG Networks' Embedded Software Security Architecture (ESSA), provides embedded engineers a platform to easily develop security controls that are the foundation of keeping an IoT design secure – secure boot, encryption, authentication, and secure software updates. Engineers can quickly improve security, enhance productivity, and reduce the development time required to take advantage of in-silicon security features.
See a BGN SAT session in video
BGN-CRATE (Collaborative Remote Automated Test Environment)
Revolutionizing cybersecurity testing of automotive ECUs, medical, and IoT devices.
CRATE allows product security professionals to remotely test devices anywhere in the world.
Product test personnel no longer need to be co-located with the hardware under test.
CRATE’s remote access is complemented by automation features, resulting in lower test costs and short test times.
Save Time, Costs, and Improve Security
Supports all types of security testing: validation, vulnerability, penetration testing
Securely connect ECU or medical devices to testing experts located anywhere
Shift Left! Find vulnerabilities sooner! Automation for security testing as part of CI/CD.
Supports interfaces to both wired and wireless interfaces including Ethernet, USB, WiFi, Bluetooth, CAN, JTAG
Designed to support cybersecurity certifications and compliance with regulations.